Researcher - Rényi
I study the spread of information, in particular, the behavior of epidemic on large networks, using a mixture of mean field and sparse network models

Researcher - Rényi
I study properties and invariants of physical networks, including new, physical analogues of the Erdos-Renyi and preferential attachment models. And work with Dávid Kunszenti-Kovács on various questions within graph limit theory.

Researcher - Rényi
I am studying optimal transport related geometric properties of Markov processes with a particular emphasis on the Ollivier-Ricci curvature of graph limits.

Researcher - Rényi
Vilas Winstein is a student researcher studying sparse graph limits and his research focuses on spectral problems about graphings.

Researcher - CEU
Manran Zhu is a PhD student at CEU and works on the problem of navigation on knowledge graphs with the methods of graph embedding and clustering of paths.