János Kertész received his PhD in Physics 1980 from Eötvös University. He worked at the Research Institute of Technical Physics of the Hungarian Academy of sciences, at the Cologne University and at Technical University Munich. He was a professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) from 1992 until 2018. Since 2012 he has been working as a professor at Central European University (CEU), since 2018 as Head of Department of Network and Data Science and since 2019 he has been a member of the CEU Senate. Between 2014-2020 he served as the director of the Network Science PhD Program at CEU.
János Kertész is interested in statistical physics and its applications, including percolation theory, phase transitions, fractal growth, granular materials and simulation methods.
As for DYNASNET he participates in the project on physical networks, working on the topic of physical networks: computer modelling, dynamics ranking, family models, epidemic spreading.
Member of the Hungarian Academy of Science (2001)
DSc in Physics (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1989)
Dr. rer. nat (Eötvös University, 1980)
Editorial boards member: Computational Sociat Science, Journal of Physics A, New Journal of Physics, Physica A, J. Phys. Complexity, Fluctuation and Noise Letters, Fractals, Physical Review E.
His work has been awarded by several recognitions, including the Hungarian Academy Award, the Szent-Györgyi Award of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Széchenyi Prize, the title of Finland Distinguished Professor and the Korean Benjamin Lee Professorship.