I work on graph limits of sequences of intermediate density
In spring 2022, I was helping to run the summer school Mathematics of Large Networks, organised by Márton Karsai, János Kertész, László Lovász, and Balázs Rath, as well as the summer school Graphs, Groups, Stochastic Processes that both took place in the Erdős Center within the semester of Large Networks and their Limits.
In the summer of 2021, Vilas Winstein, Caio Alves and I started a YouTube channel called Spectral Collective. Infrequently posted videos tend to be centered around the themes of graph limits and percolation. Both last year and this year, we took part in 3Blue1Brown's Summer of Math Exposition (SoME), being featured among the top 30 last year and co-winning this year.
Award for Advanced Doctoral Students from Central European University in 2022